And so you know I couldn’t do for long without you. Writing has becoming my coping mechanism and so have you. “A little inspiration” is what you have always been to me and my writing. I have been writing a lot for the past 2 weeks but not with you. I just saved my words in my archive- but don’t worry they were all about you. Most of them were pertaining to emotional connections and physical ones- which is funny because of the talk we had today. But we both know Emotional connections are greater than the physical one because they leave us with more to hold on to; but often make things more difficult. And that is why I was having a difficult time.
The love that I have for you is undeniably real and one that won’t go away even when we are at our worse. The connection that we have allows us to work through anything.[looking back to one of my previous blogs: turning to you without a doubt; it explains us perfectly “We are so much the same that when things are good they are great and when we collide; we just can’t be around one another. "Something that we have been experiencing these past two weeks.]
But I understand that “We all make mistakes and sometimes we do desperate things” and that is exactly why I am not mad at the things that we discussed. Though you kept it from me for so long I understand your reasons. You care about me and you didn’t know how to say it without hurting me and in some way you didn’t want to lose me. I can’t help to wonder if I am being foolish because my feelings towards you haven’t changed but I know that when you love someone you love them even with their faults and you help them in their time of need. Love doesn’t just go away with every bad situation.
I’m not going to tell you that you should feel bad because you already do, so all I could do is let you know that it is okay and I’m glad that you took the time to let it out and tell me everything. It’s just funny how you were telling me that you knew you were being selfish trying to turn things around on me to make yourself feel better.
I know it may be hard to believe but I’m always going to be here so stop bringing up that “even if you never speak to me again” talk. And you know I will always love you ….a “Little bit.”