I already gave you the prefix....so here's the book.
Words from the heart are what capture my mind. Words put together from the mind and heart can define the story behind one’s eyes. Eyes of silence is what he has, he sees but don’t speak- feeling everything but keeping everything bottled up inside. I would never understand what it is with him that makes him lock up all your feelings deep inside, standing alone deep within his own mind, but then again I guess I do the same at times
It’s crazy now because though I want so much for things to just go back to however they used to be- there is something not allowing me to do just that. In some kind of way I feel as if I was let me down and I feel bad for thinking this way after everything explained but I just can’t shake the feeling…I’m sorry. He said that he will always be there, but he wasn’t truly there when I needed him to be. After a while i just learned to accept whatever was appearing to be happening and left any feeling of anger behind because "basically to see a change in me, I'll be losing, so I just ignore[d] you" and began to become okay with the way things were.
It was just my mind and my heart going back and forth, pondering on what needed to be done. Writing and music is my source of therapy and it is something that I look forward to when I need to get thoughts and feelings out. At the time I knew how much I needed to get my thoughts out but I knew that I couldn’t do it solely from behind my eyes. I needed to the input of my heart and mind, and that’s what I did away from everyone else, it was something that I needed to do for me.
Each time I write I feel that I share more and more of my heart with him. You see the eye-catchers don’t quiet understand every word that leaves my mind and hits this page the way he does. I guess that’s why sometimes it’s hard for me to write everything that I am feeling on here and with every blog I post it becomes harder for me to express the way I am feeling because I feel that I felt it all before. There are many things I would like to say, but I don't know how. So I will just leave it like that...
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