Thursday, July 23, 2009


Okay so its 3:40am and I am still awake listening to music and writing. There is just something about the nighttime that allows me to express exactly what it is that I am feeling. So much has been going on and honestly I am surprised at the way that I have been dealing with it. I have been very calm and able to keep my composure. Lately, I have been noticing my growth. Physically, emotionally and mentally. I am evolving into a woman. The little things that used to bother me I am an now able to ignore and realize that it doesn’t take much to walk away. I have learned to look at things in a mature perspective. I learned to think before I act and speak. I am becoming a better me for myself and the world to enjoy and I have full control of it. I guess it the whole leaving my teen years behind that has me thinking like this….but I like it. Even the growth of my mind is astounding to others and I must admit that college had a lot to do with it. The inside of the classroom aspect is not the only thing that I am speaking of but also the social life. I believed that I learned more about life outside of the classroom than inside. I have learned things that I wouldn’t have be able to learn elsewhere. I am truly thankful for the many things that I have learned throughout the years and the growth of my mind. I just wish the rest of the world was growing with me.

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