The world never ceases to fascinate me; or should I say people. Maybe it is me who puts on the front that nothing bothers me and that I am always happy. Everyone always expects me to be that superwoman. The one that can handle every situation with a smile and not be stressed or hurt about anything; but I’m not. I always let things build up inside and then randomly have my breaking points off the smallest things. I always say that I need to stop letting everyone’s problems and the things that they do bother me but I guess I can’t. I noticed that I always going up and beyond for people and sometimes that can never return the gesture; not that I am waiting for it. Sometimes I really feel like breaking down and crying, but I just cover it with a smile- I don’t know why I do it. I guess it’s the fear of appearing weak. I always give the advice to people that they shouldn't put other's happiness before their own but time and time again I do just that and each time I notice that some aren't as grateful as I would be.
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